Albert Gore Research Center
Directions to the Gore Center
The Albert Gore Research Center is in Todd Hall at the heart of the MTSU campus. From Greenland Drive, turn right onto Champion Way. Exit the traffic circle on the right to continue on Champion Way. After two stop signs, make a right onto Military Memorial. You may wish to consult or print this map to guide you into campus or review other maps and more information directing you to Murfreesboro from all directions, reaching campus from the highway, and showing the entire campus.
Metered Parking: There are metered spaces located in strategic places around campus at a rate of $0.25 for 15 minutes. The maximum amount of time is indicated on each meter, 30 minutes or 1 hour. The closest metered spaces to the Gore Center are on Military Memorial, or at the two meters in the parking lot directly ahead behind Jones Hall. Please be sure to keep the meters current as you will receive a parking citation if the meter expires. We regret that the center does not have change on hand for patrons.
Visitor Parking Permit: Visitors may purchase a one day visitor parking permit for $2.00 online by visiting Guest Account or by going to the Parking and Transportation Services office located at 1403 E. Main St.
Free Visitor Parking: Free parking and shuttle service is available to visitors in either the MTSU Lot or Rutherford Lot. Both lots are located off of Rutherford Blvd. and require no permit. The Raider Xpress serves the MTSU campus, the routes and times can be found here Raider Xpress.
Disabled Parking: The blue disabled parking spaces throughout campus are reserved for those holding permanent disabled parking permits, including the row behind Jones Hall. Please be sure your tag is displayed clearly.

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Contact Us
Albert Gore Research Center
P. O. Box 193, 1301 E. Main St.
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132
Main: 615-898-2632
University Archives: 615-898-5202
Director: 615-898-2633
Todd Hall Suite 128
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 4:00PM
Or by appointment
Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00AM - 4:00PM